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  1. The final list of updates is 1.05.2024-17.25.2024. Added/Fixed: ☆ The Laer has been updated to 179 ☆ Fixed errors with the processing of responses in the Registration ☆ Fixed a bug in the reporter ☆ The logic of getting numbers in Auto-registration has been changed. ☆ The system of the general simcard registry has been added to exclude the intersection of 2fa and the enumeration of banned numbers by intersecting people. ☆ Fixed graphics bugs. ☆ Fixed mailing from private channels if accounts are subscribed, and the link looks like t.me/c/81838718 ☆ Added gmail to the registration. We have expanded the list of devices in the registration. ☆ Fixed a bug when inviting a user with a premium stopped the stream. ☆ Lamma 3 70b added to prime (Neural Network) ◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡ Contacts for purchase: Site: https://telegram-gods.info/ WhatsApp: +79304029123 Viber: +79304029123 TG: https://telegram-gods.info/telegram/ Test for a day: https://telegram-gods.info/product/test-license-24/
  2. ? DeltaTools v4.6.1 Corrected: ☆ Text randomizer - paraphraser logic.
  3. DeltaTools v4.6.0 Added: ☆ Image randomizer - the ability to overlay png on an image; ☆ Image randomizer - fine-tuning metadata generation. Improved: ☆ Image randomizer - speed of image processing. Corrected: ☆ Text randomizer - stability of the paraphraser; ☆ Image randomizer - stability of image randomization. FOR A PURCHASE WRITE IN TELEGRAM. ALSO AVAILABLE ON THE SITE.
  4. Telegram Prime update from 01/21/2024 Online Converter: ☆ Fixed cryptocurrency replenishment with rukassa; ☆ Added detailed statistics display; The list of settings for json has been expanded many times. Added: ☆ The methods of operation in the Cheat via proxy function have been expanded many times; ☆ Fixed multithreading of the proxy, in the "Cheat through proxy" function; ☆ Added a proxy reconnect in the cheat; ☆ Added a method for deleting contacts from the phone book; ☆ Updated reauthorization, added more tenacious parameters; ☆ The neural network has been updated, the quality of the processed responses is an order of magnitude wider. ◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡ Contacts for purchase: WhatsApp: +79304029123 Viber: +79304029123 TG: https://telegram-gods.info/telegram/ Three-day test: https://telegram-gods.info/product/test-license-24/
  5. Update: Added: ☆ The end time of the key on the main page ☆ Calling the registration bell (optional) ☆ Collecting users from stories from chats ☆ Multithreaded mode of cheating views through a proxy ☆ Mailing and invite reports in html format ☆ Interface Updates ☆ Reactions in story views Fixed: ☆ Fixed the invite via the admin panel. Plus, pre-check of joining the chat before joining has been added. ☆ Multitasking in the dashboard has been fixed. ☆ Fixed the invite by id. ☆ Fixed story views ◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡ Contacts for purchase: WhatsApp: +79304029123 Viber: +79304029123 TG: https://telegram-gods.info/telegram/ Three-day test: https://telegram-gods.info/product/test-license-24/
  6. Neural networks were implemented before you knew about GPT Video randomization: Sending out circles and creating doorway channels without a ban! In the specified percentage interval, it applies batch effects to the video, as in the editor: brightness, contrast, saturation, blur, horizontal reflection, vignette, pixelation, TV interference, sharpness, acceleration/deceleration. When applying even a small blur in a compartment with random brightness, it allows you to bypass the uniqueness check by a well-known network. ? Audio randomizer: Increase conversion by x10 spectrogram! Creates thousands of audio (in a format to be sent to TG as an audio message from the user) from the original with one click with the ability to apply more than 10 different effects (can be singly or combined in random order, percentage, etc.). At the same time, the audio spectrogram is saved (a visual track, the message does not look empty to the recipient). Each message will have a unique weight and length (when selecting the appropriate effect), which has a positive effect on the sending limits. Image Randomizer: Batch processing without monthly subscription! Allows you to create images en masse (upload background => text overlay => random text offset on the background => number of copies => Profit!), or multiply an existing creo (offer). Thanks to the substitution of metadata, each image looks unique for any resource, which has a positive effect on the passage of anti-spam systems, including avito. Batch image processing is provided (for processing several offers at the same time); overlay effects with real-time preview (Quality, Smoke, Color tone, Saturation, Distortion, Glass, contour blur, Oil. paints;); For greater customization, a choice of text color / background /text outline is available; a choice of one hundred of the most popular Google fonts, randomization of the displayed text via spintax is supported; generation of end file names is supported; setting the size of the text field. Randomization of text based on neural networks: billions of options in minutes! The automatic mode will create 3 offers from the original one with a single click (pre-randomization). 2 unique databases (literary and modern, with the ability to switch) will help to customize the message to the ideal: in manual or automatic mode. And if you suddenly do not have enough synonyms database, you can always use the database editor (changes are saved locally, do not affect the general database). All this will create randomization within randomization, or a full-fledged "multi-level randomization" - the best for bypassing filters by weight and message content. Randomization is provided even for non-replaceable words and abbreviations (Cyrillic and Latin) that are not subject to randomization (more than 15 stylizations), as well as the most primitive - randomization by transliteration. Those words that should not be changed can be isolated. Saving the result in .txt directly from the software. For those who work on an order, there is the possibility of batch randomization of text from a file. ↕️ And over 200 more functions: Working with lists (the number of uploaded rows can be up to 40-50 million): ☆ Name Generator (Russia, Spain, Japan, Turkey, China, Nicknames); ☆ Selection of lines by number of characters (at the request of the user); ☆ Working with lists - sort alphabetically from the end of the line (at the request of the user); ☆ Removing duplicates; ☆ Deleting empty lines; ☆ Deleting values in the list on request; ☆ Deleting lines from the list by stop words or dividing into 2 lists, one list contains stop words, the other without them; - Comparison of two lists with the ability to output both unique values and intersections; ☆ Combining two lists; ☆ Splitting the list into 2 according to the following parameters: in half, interlaced, by character or keyword; ☆ Splitting the text into a column with a separator; ☆ Merging rows from a column into a single text with a separator; ☆ Alphabetically sorted: a-z, I-a; ☆ Shuffling the rows in the list; ☆ Numbering of the list; - Combining two lists: alphabetically or in random order with case selection; ☆ Search and replace one or more values; ☆ Adding a prefix\postfix; Case change: only with a capital letter, only with a small one, in random order; ☆ "Text to porridge" - makes a rebus out of text (shuffling letters in words in random order); - Extracting URLs from a list (for example, to extract links to groups from a telegram channel); ☆ Text backwards to front; ☆ Extracting numbers from text; ☆ Replacing a space with a line break and back; ☆ Removing the nth number of sieves at the beginning or at the end; ☆ Transliteration into Latin and Russian; EMail: ☆ Parser of email addresses from the list of sites; The validator of email addresses (removes emails that do not match their format). Phones: ☆ Choosing the format of phone numbers (currently only RU and UA are available, other countries will appear in the next updates); ☆ Reading numbers from a txt file, saving; ☆ Removing unnecessary characters; ☆ Fitting rooms to the desired format; ☆ Removing illiquid numbers; ☆ Splitting double\triple numbers in a row; ☆ Deleting duplicates. [/SPOILER] ? We care about users: ✔ Adding functionality to the user's request (only if it is in demand by other users) ✔ We have been steadily releasing updates once a month for two years!!! ✔ To preserve vision, the software provides a night theme, as well as increasing/decreasing the font by pressing Ctrl+/Ctrl- ✔ If you did not put a parenthesis, the software will inform you about it, without letting you send out a clumsy text leading to bans ✔ Flexible configuration of resource-intensive processes: the user can select the number of threads at random so as not to overload the computer ✔ Thanks to multitasking, you can work in all tabs at the same time, regardless of the running operations ✔ Built-in help will help you not get lost because of the curse of multi-selection ✔ Context menu on the right mouse button - will not get confused in abbreviations ✔ For the convenience of users - support for keyboard shortcuts (custom combinations) has been introduced ✔ Russian and English interface languages, help and translation. When switching to English, the English-language database and neural network are connected. ====================================================================================================== Contacts: ? YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHaJXUzegTp9KusaQSOfB8Q ? Website: https://delta-soft.info/ Telegram channel: https://t.me/DeltaSoftOfficial ➢ Buy: https://t.me/AmperLab ██████╗░███████╗██╗░░░░░████████╗░█████╗░████████╗░█████╗░░█████╗░██╗░░░░░░██████╗ ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║░░░░░╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██║░░░░░██╔════╝ ██║░░██║█████╗░░██║░░░░░░░░██║░░░███████║░░░██║░░░██║░░██║██║░░██║██║░░░░░╚█████╗░ ██║░░██║██╔══╝░░██║░░░░░░░░██║░░░██╔══██║░░░██║░░░██║░░██║██║░░██║██║░░░░░░╚═══██╗ ██████╔╝███████╗███████╗░░░██║░░░██║░░██║░░░██║░░░╚█████╔╝╚█████╔╝███████╗██████╔╝ ╚═════╝░╚══════╝╚══════╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░░░╚════╝░░╚════╝░╚══════╝╚═════╝░ We invite advertising agents and everyone who is interested in earning money to cooperate: We pay 25% of the customer brought in. Payments are instant. The only condition is not to spam with a direct link to the site and not to be a referral to yourself.
  7. ✔ Three days of free test; ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ✔ More than 3000 users of our products; ✔ One-time payment without subscription feeㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ✔ 5 years of software development for marketing automation; ✔ More than ten successfully developing projects under his belt ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ✔ Loyal support service and more than 300 reviews. ◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡ How is our software useful for entrepreneurs: Increase conversion to purchases by increasing brand loyalty In pervons (a function for writing the very first comment under the post), the generation of comments based on a neural network is built in. All you have to do is brand the accounts (set the logo and company name in the account name on the photo) and launch the software. Accounts on behalf of your company will themselves leave the very first comment under posts in the channels you have chosen. People who have clicked the "comment" button always see the first comment, due to which brand awareness will increase and the next time they touch your company, the lead will have more arguments in favor of making a deal with your company. Building social marketing from scratch Intercept potential customers of competitors' chats or any others, thanks to the message interceptor (join target chats with accounts => enter keywords => launch => the software forwards all messages to the specified contact); recommend your products in the channel comments (the first supports changing the message after publication); Will increase the accuracy of your hypotheses Gathering an audience on the last visit will allow you to gather the most active audience for a speedy response; you can collect those who wrote to the chat for the last N-days or N-time, which will allow you to gather the most engaged and interested audience; even if there is no public link in the chat, you can transfer a personal account to the software and collect an audience from the chat/channel without having a link, by selecting in the list. The company will have a face The unique function of sending video messages in a circle (mp4 format) will allow you to send a "talking head" via chats or in a personal account on a white database; branding accounts will allow you to set a logo on a photo, the company name in the name, a link in the bio account - more contacts with the company - more sales. Closes the deal even when you are sleeping Branched autoresponder will allow you to set up the work of bots in non-stop mode. It is enough for you to analyze the existing dialogs, add triggers and answers to them and you will forget about the loss of customers after hours. And the profile transfer function will allow you to transfer the configuration to other employees for scaling or delegating tasks. Earns even during downtime The possibility of passive earnings on traffic enhancement services (for example, "vto-pe") is provided. With the help of 1000 accounts, it turns out to earn 5-20 dollars a day (specify whether passive earnings by contacts are possible, this is a seasonal type of earnings). In the near future, you will be able to fully automate sales in telegram! Among more than 300 functions, we highlight: - Smart Account management panel with the ability to brand the sender (using proper names, images on avatars). - The parser gathers an audience from any Telegram groups/chats. It supports parsing of those who wrote in the chat and left comments on the channel, filtering users by criteria to more accurately determine the target audience; - Number checker for the presence of telegram allows you to check your database of phone numbers for the presence of a messenger for a subsequent invite or sending messages on them; - Sending messages. Send thousands of messages to a personal account/groups/secret chats in a matter of minutes. When sending messages, text formatting is supported, hiding links in the text and sending reposts from the channel. And thanks to the answering machine, your accounts will communicate with customers 24/7; - Cheating. The software has the functions of cheating bots into chats/groups/channels, as well as cheating referrals into bots, cheating reactions and views on posts and bots participating in anonymous voting; - Invite to groups. Up to 45 users are invited from one account at a time. By reducing the number of users from an account to five, you can invite almost forever and without a ban. When sending messages, text formatting is supported, hiding links in the text and sending reposts from the channel. [/SPOILER] ✔ Chat with the support service directly in the software - on the main page! ✔ A team of 20 people - marketers, developers and support services. ✔ We make user suggestions to the functionality of the program. If suddenly 150+ functions are not enough for you - ideas can be implemented! ✔ Works on the latest Layer, which means it has functionality that is not available to competitors. ◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡ Everything is as transparent as possible! Although the private chat is only available to buyers, our public user chat is available to everyone For those present, this means more new contacts and increased earnings! To get into it, you need to register on the site and join the community. The chat will appear on the Messages tab immediately after joining ➡️ https://alma-mater.site/groups/telegram-prime/ ◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡◠◡ Test for three days: https://telegram-gods.info/test/ Website: https://telegram-gods.info/ Vkontakte: https://vk.com/telegramprime WhatsApp: https://wa.me/+79304029123 Telegram: https://telegram-gods.info/telegram/

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