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pp24 CC+CVV,PAYPAL,EBAY,SSN(FULZ),BANKS ACC,Shops acc,Non vbv bins












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Everything posted by deputat

  1. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-12-21 ------------------------- !!! 15000 CC+CVV DISCOUNTS BASES !!! PRICES STARTS FROM 3$ FOR USA AND 5$ FOR WORLDMIX !!! HARRY UP !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER FROM ORDER !!! TICKETS ARE NOT ACCEPTED !!! USA SNIFF(DISCOUNTNOREF)-DB[21-12-19][90-95%VALID] USA SNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[21-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIF(DISCNOREFUND)-DB[20-12-19][80%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[20-12-19][80%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[19-12-19][80-90% VALID] WORLDMIXSNIF(DISCOUNT)-DB[19-12-19][70%-80 VALID] WORLDSNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[20-12-19][80%-95% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[19-12-19][70%-80% VALID][95% VALID]
  2. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-12-20 ------------------------- !!! 20000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER FROM ORDER !!! TICKETS ARE NOT ACCEPTED !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[20-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[20-12-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[19-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[19-12-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[18-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[20-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[19-12-19][90%-95% VALID] EU-SNIFF-SUPER(NOREF)-DB[20-12-19][99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[20-12-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[19-12-19][95%-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[19-12-19][95-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[20-12-19][95-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[20-12-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[19-12-19][95%-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[20-12-19][95-99% VALID] BRAZIL+ SPF-SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[20-12-19][95% VALID]
  3. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-12-16 ------------------------- !!! 35000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER FROM ORDER !!! TICKETS ARE NOT ACCEPTED !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[16-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[16-12-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[16-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[15-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[15-12-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[15-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[14-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[14-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[16-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[16-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[15-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[14-12-19][90%-95% VALID] EU-SNIFF-SUPER(NOREF)-DB[16-12-19][99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[16-12-19][95-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[15-12-19][95-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[16-12-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[15-12-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[16-12-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[15-12-19][95%-99% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[16-12-19][95-99% VALID] BRAZIL+ SPF-SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[16-12-19][95% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[16-12-19][95-99% VALID]
  4. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-12-12 ------------------------- !!! 30000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER FROM ORDER !!! TICKETS ARE NOT ACCEPTED !!! EU-SNIFF-SUPER(NOREF)-DB[12-12-19][99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[12-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[12-12-19][97%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[11-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[10-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[12-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[11-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[12-12-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[11-12-19][90%-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[12-12-19][95-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[11-12-19][95-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[12-12-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[11-12-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[12-12-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[11-12-19][95%-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[12-12-19][95-99% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[12-12-19][95-99% VALID]
  5. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-12-09 ------------------------- !!! 25000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER FROM ORDER !!! TICKETS ARE NOT ACCEPTED !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[09-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[08-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[07-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[08-12-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[07-12-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[09-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[08-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[07-12-19][90%-95% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[09-12-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[08-12-19][95%-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[09-12-19][95-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[08-12-19][95-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[09-12-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[08-12-19][95%-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[09-12-19][95-99% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[09-12-19][95-99% VALID]
  6. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-12-08 ------------------------- !!! 10000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER FROM ORDER !!! TICKETS ARE NOT ACCEPTED !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[08-12-19][95%-99% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[08-12-19][95-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[08-12-19][95-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[08-12-19][95-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[08-12-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[08-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[07-12-19][95%-99% VALID]
  7. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-12-06 ------------------------- !!! 30000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER FROM ORDER !!! TICKETS ARE NOT ACCEPTED !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[06-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[06-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[05-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[05-12-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[05-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[05-12-19][85%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[04-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[04-12-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[04-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[03-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[03-12-19][90%-95% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[06-12-19][95-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[06-12-19][95-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[06-12-19][95-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[05-12-19][95-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[06-12-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[05-12-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[04-12-19][90%-95% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[06-12-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[05-12-19][90%-95% VALID] !!! 10000 CC+CVV !!! DISCOUNT ON CC+CVV BASES !!! USA CC FROM 2$ EU+WORLDMIX FROM 4$ !!! !!! REFUND VIA CHECKER BEFORE ORDER AND ONLY DURING 15 MINUTES FROM ORDER BY USING CHECKER IN ORDER HISTORY !!! !!! TICKETS ARE NOT ACCEPTED ON THESE BASES !!! USA SNIF(DISCNOREFUND)-DB[06-12-19][80%-95% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[06-12-19][80%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[06-12-19][80%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[04-12-19][80%-90% VALID] USA SNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[05-12-19][70-80% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[04-12-19][70%-80% VALID] WORLDMIXSNIF(DISCOUNT)-DB[05-12-19][70%-80 VALID]
  8. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-12-03 ------------------------- !!! 15000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER FROM ORDER !!! TICKETS ARE NOT ACCEPTED !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[03-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[03-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[02-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[02-12-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[01-12-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[01-12-19][90%-95% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[03-12-19][95-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[03-12-19][95-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[03-12-19][95-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[03-12-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[03-12-19][95%-99% VALID]
  9. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-11-29 ------------------------- !!! BLACK FRIDAY DISCOUNTS FROM 29 NOVEMBER TILL 1 DECEMBER ON FRESH SNIFFED BASES AND ON OTHER ONES !!! !!! 20000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[29-11-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[29-11-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[28-11-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[28-11-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[28-11-19][90%-95% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[29-11-19][95-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[29-11-19][95-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[29-11-19][95-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[28-11-19][95-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[29-11-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[28-11-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[28-11-19][90%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[29-11-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[28-11-19][95%-99% VALID] !!! 30000 CC+CVV BLACK FRIDAY DISCOUNTS BASES !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIF(DISCNOREFUND)-DB[29-11-19][80%-95% VALID] - 6$ WORLDSNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[29-11-19][80%-95% VALID] - 8$ USA SNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[29-11-19][80%-95% VALID] - 5$ BRAZIL SNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[28-11-19][70%-80% VALID] - 3$ WORLDMIXSNIF(DISCOUNT)-DB[28-11-19][70%-80 VALID] - 5$ USA SNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[28-11-19][70-80% VALID] - 3$
  10. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-11-27 ------------------------- !!! 10000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER !!! !!! 150000 CC+CVV TURKEY CC+CVV !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[27-11-19][95%-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[27-11-19][95-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[27-11-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[27-11-19][95%-99% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[27-11-19][95-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[27-11-19][95-99% VALID] TURKEY NOADDRESS(NOREF)-DB[27-11-19][90-99% VALID]
  11. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-11-25 ------------------------- !!! 35000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER !!! LOW PRICES !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[25-11-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[25-11-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[24-11-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[24-11-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[23-11-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[23-11-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[23-11-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[23-11-19][90%-95% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[25-11-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[24-11-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[23-11-19][95%-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[25-11-19][95-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[25-11-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[24-11-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[23-11-19][90%-95% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[25-11-19][95-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[25-11-19][95-99% VALID]
  12. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-11-20 ------------------------- !!! 30000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER !!! DISCOUNT BASES LOW PRICES !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[20-11-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[19-11-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[19-11-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[18-11-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[20-11-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[19-11-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[18-11-19][90%-95% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[20-11-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[19-11-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[18-11-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[20-11-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[19-11-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[18-11-19][95%-99% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[20-11-19][95-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[20-11-19][95-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[20-11-19][95-99% VALID]
  13. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-11-09 ------------------------- !!! 25000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER !!! DISCOUNT BASES LOW PRICES !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[10-11-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[09-11-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[10-11-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF+IPINFO(NOREF)-DB[10-11-19][95%-99%VALID] USA FRESH-DB[10-11-19][70%-80% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[10-11-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[10-11-19][70% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[10-11-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[09-11-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDMIXSNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[10-11-19][70% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[10-11-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[09-11-19][95%-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[10-11-19][95-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[10-11-19][95-99% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[10-11-19][70% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[10-11-19][95-99% VALID]
  14. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-11-07 ------------------------- !!! 15000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER !!! DISCOUNT BASES LOW PRICES !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[07-11-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[07-11-19][90%-95% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[07-11-19][70% VALID] WORLDMIXSNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[07-11-19][70% VALID] USA SNIFF(DISCOUNT)-DB[07-11-19][70% VALID]
  15. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-11-06 ------------------------- !!! 5000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER AND OTHER SOURCES !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[06-11-19][95%-99% VALID] USA FRESH-DB[06-11-19][70%-80% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[06-11-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[06-11-19][90%-95% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[06-11-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[06-11-19][95%-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[06-11-19][95-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[06-11-19][95-99% VALID]
  16. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-11-05 ------------------------- !!! 30000 CC+CVV FROM TURKEY BASE UPLOADING TODAY AND PRICES UPDATING !!! ONLY 3$ FOR CARD CC+CVV !!! HARY UP !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF+IPINFO(NOREF)-DB[05-11-19][95%-99%VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[05-11-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[05-11-19][90%-95% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[05-11-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[05-11-19][95%-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[05-11-19][95-99% VALID] USA FRESH-DB[05-11-19][70%-80% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH(NOREF)-DB[05-11-19][95%-99% VALID] TURKEY NOADDRESS(NOREF)-DB[05-11-19][90-99% VALID]
  17. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-11-02 ------------------------- !!! 25000 CC+CVV FROM TURKEY BASE UPLOADING TODAY AND PRICES UPDATING !!! ONLY 3$ FOR CARD CC+CVV !!! HARY UP !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[02-11-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[01-11-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[31-10-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF FRESH-DB[02-11-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF-DB[01-11-19][90%-99% VALID] USA FRESH-DB[02-11-19][70%-80% VALID] USA SNIFF-DB[31-10-19][80%-85% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[31-10-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF+IPINFO-DB[01-11-19][95%-99%VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[02-11-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[01-11-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[31-10-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[02-11-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[01-11-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[31-10-19][90%-95% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[02-11-19][95-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[01-11-19][95-99% VALID]
  18. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-10-29 ------------------------- !!! 100000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER,OWN SOURCES AND TURKEY BASE UPLOADING TODAY AND PRICES UPDATING !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[29-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[29-10-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[28-10-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[28-10-19][90%-95% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[29-10-19][95-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[29-10-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[29-10-19][95%-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[29-10-19][99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[29-10-19][95-99% VALID] HK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[29-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[28-10-19][95-95% VALID] DENMARK(NOREFUND)-DB[29-10-19][95-95% VALID] TURKEY NOADDRESS-DB[28-10-19][90-95% VALID] TURKEY NOADDRESS(NOREF)-DB[28-10-19][90-99% VALID]
  19. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-10-22 ------------------------- !!! 15000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER AND OWN SOURCES UPLOADING TODAY AND PRICES UPDATING !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[22-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[21-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[21-10-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[21-10-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[20-10-19][90%-95% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[21-10-19][80%-85% VALID] USA SNIFF-DB[21-10-19][80%-90% VALID] USA SNIFF-DB[21-10-19][80%-90% VALID] USA SNIFF+IPINFO(NOREF)-DB[22-10-19][95%-99%VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[22-10-19][95-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[22-10-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[21-10-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[21-10-19][90%-95% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[22-10-19][95-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[21-10-19][95-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[22-10-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[21-10-19][95%-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[22-10-19][99% VALID]
  20. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-10-19 ------------------------- !!! 5000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER AND OWN SOURCES UPLOADING TODAY AND PRICES UPDATING !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[19-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[18-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[18-10-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[18-10-19][97%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF+IPINFO(NOREF)-DB[19-10-19][95%-99%VALID] USA SNIFF-DB[18-10-19][90%-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[19-10-19][95-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[19-10-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[19-10-19][95%-99% VALID]
  21. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-10-16 ------------------------- !!! 3000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER AND OWN SOURCES UPLOADING TODAY AND PRICES UPDATING !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[16-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[16-10-19][97%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[16-10-19][90%-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[16-10-19][95-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[16-10-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[16-10-19][95%-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[16-10-19][99% VALID]
  22. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-10-15 ------------------------- !!! 5000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER AND OWN SOURCES UPLOADING TODAY AND PRICES UPDATING !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[15-10-19][95%-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[15-10-19][95-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[15-10-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[15-10-19][95%-99% VALID] HK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[15-10-19][95%-99% VALID] BRAZIL SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[15-10-19][95-99% VALID]
  23. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-10-13 ------------------------- !!! 25000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER AND OWN SOURCES UPLOADING TODAY AND PRICES UPDATING !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[13-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[12-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[11-10-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF+IPINFO(NOREF)-DB[13-10-19][95%-99%VALID] USA SNIFF+IPINFO(NOREF)-DB[12-10-19][95%-99%VALID] USA SNIFF-DB[13-10-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF-DB[12-10-19][90%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[13-10-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[12-10-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[12-10-19][90%-95% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[13-10-19][95-99% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[12-10-19][95-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[13-10-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[12-10-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[11-10-19][95%-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[13-10-19][99% VALID]
  24. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-10-07 ------------------------- !!! 15000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER AND OWN SOURCES UPLOADING TODAY AND PRICES UPDATING !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[07-10-19][95%-99% VALID] TURKEY SNIFF-DB[07-10-19][95% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[07-10-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[07-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF+IPINFO(NOREF)-DB[07-10-19][95%-99%VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[07-10-19][95-99% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[07-10-19][99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[06-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF-DB[07-10-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[05-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF-DB[06-10-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[07-10-19][90%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOADDR-NOREF)-DB[07-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF+IPINFO(NOREF)-DB[06-10-19][95%-99%VALID] USA SNIFF+IPINFO(NOREF)-DB[05-10-19][95%-99%VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[06-09-19][90%-99% VALID]
  25. --------------------------------------------------------- !!! BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN(BAZAR): APPROVED.BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAIN) - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! REGULAR DOMAIN: HTTPS://APPROVED.XXX - CC+CVV SHOP !!! !!! MIRROR LIST: HTTP://DUMPS.CC !!! !!! HOW TO BROWSE OR OPEN .BAZAR(BLOCKCHAIN DOMAINS) !!! VERY SIMPLE !!! [1] Install one of the following browser Extension/Addon for .BAZAR blockchain-based domains surfing: [1.1] Blockchain DNS (best choice): https://blockchain-dns.info/ - Firefox, Chrome Addon [1.2] PeerName: https://peername.com/browser-extension/ - Firefox, Chrome, Opera Addon [1.3] friGate CDN: https://fri-gate.org/ [1.4] Attention !!! Do not install them all together because they may conflict with each other, install only one of them. [1.5] If one particular plugin does not work well - try another plugin. [2] Keep in mind that the browser may trigger the search operation if you type "approved.bazar" in the address bar.There are two ways to fix that [2.1] Type the domain with a trailing slash, example: "approved.bazar/". [2.2] Type the domain with the protocol, example: "http://approved.bazar". [3] If you are using another browser or another device (iOS, Android): You can also use OpenNIC https://www.opennic.org/ DNS servers for .BAZAR domains surfing Simply modify your internet connection DNS settings and set one of the OpenNIC public DNS servers Servers list: https://servers.opennic.org/ !!! PROXY LIKE FOXYPROXY IN BROWSER WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR DOMAIN SO USE DOUBLE VPN FOR YOUR PROTECTION !!! !!! HTTPS FOR .BAZAR DOMAINS ARE NOT WORKING !!! !!! TOR WILL NOT OPEN .BAZAR LINKS !!! 2019-10-02 ------------------------- !!! 30000 CC+CVV FROM PRIVATE SNIFFER AND OWN SOURCES UPLOADING TODAY AND PRICES UPDATING !!! !!! BASES WITH IPBROWSER IN NAME HAD IP AND BROWSER OF CARDHOLDER, YOU COULD USE IT FOR BETTER CARDING !!! !!! BASES WITH NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME ARE NONE REFUNDABLE !!! !!! BASES WITHOUT NOREFUND(NOREF) IN NAME 15 MINUTES FOR REFUND ONLY VIA CHECKER !!! USA SNIFF+IPINFO(NOREF)-DB[02-10-19][95%-99%VALID] USA SNIFF+IPINFO(NOREF)-DB[01-10-19][95%-99%VALID] USA SNIFF+IPINFO(NOREF)-DB[30-09-19][95%-99%VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[02-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[01-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[30-09-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[01-10-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[01-10-19][95%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF-DB[02-10-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF-DB[01-10-19][90%-99% VALID] USA SNIFF-DB[01-10-19][90%-95% VALID] CANADA SNIFF(NOREF)-DB[02-10-19][99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[02-10-19][95%-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[01-10-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[02-10-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOREFUND)-DB[01-10-19][95%-99% VALID] UK SNIFF(NOADDR-NOREF)-DB[01-10-19][95%-99% VALID] IRELAND SNIFF-DB[02-10-19][90-99% VALID] WORLDSNIFF(NOADDRNORES)-DB[01-10-19][90-99% VALID] TURKEY SNIFF-DB[02-10-19][95% VALID] AU+NZ+IE SNIFF(NOREFUN)-DB[02-10-19][95-99% VALID]

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